3 Kiddos, 43lbs Down, and Just Getting Started!

42lb keto wieght loss transformation. Read about this amazing keto success story from Keto Weekly.

This is Larissa, and this week we’re drawing some needed inspiration from her awesome journey. After having her 3rd baby she found it was harder than ever to get back to her old self and lose the weight she had previously lost before the pregnancy.

“I felt miserable and uncomfortable in my own skin. Managing 3 kids also did not leave me much time for myself and I was at my lowest point physically and mentally. I knew I had to make a change so I could be a happy mom/wife for my family.”

She decided to take it one day at a time, committing to a keto diet and getting in walks and home workouts regularly. She’s now lost 43lbs on her postpartum weight-loss journey, and she’s just getting started!

She has some great advice that we couldn’t agree with more:

“Don’t wait for a Monday to get started. Just start making small changes now and remember your health is worth every sacrifice you make. Even if you have a bad day, just get back on track the next meal or day. No one is perfect but consistency will get you to your goals.”

This story is from a recent edition of Keto Weekly. Subscribe for free to be a part of the best keto community online and receive the best Keto content in your inbox each week!